Hilti Ferrodetector and Transpointer Selection Guide

May 1st, 2012

Hilti Ferrodetectors and Transpointers

Hilti Detectors are great for identifying start and end points for drilling and coring operations as well as detecting rebar, post-tension cable, and other ferrous objects embedded in concrete. Read More…

Hilti Anchors & Tools Simplify Ceiling Grid Installation In Post-Tension Concrete

February 2nd, 2012

Ceiling Grid Installation Post-Tension ConcreteAnchoring grids to concrete ceilings is sometimes easier said than done.  Concrete slabs are sometimes strengthened using a process called post tensioning, a method that uses embedded high strength steel cables to reinforce the concrete.  Although this construction technique produces concrete sections with excellent structural integrity, locating post-tension cables (and rebar or conduit for that matter) in concrete presents a challenge. Making contact with post-tension tendons when drilling holes can cause catastrophic failure of overhead concrete panels. 

We recently installed a ceiling grid for a simulation lab at the Cleveland Clinic. Read More…